Once again on
the night of 29 Jul 13, a Captain of MiG-21 T-69 trainer flying from the rear seat of the aircraft, the
officer experienced a total loss of engine power after a bird hit during the
landing phase. In spite of all these constraints, Wg Cdr AP Singh was able to
successfully establish an engine off glide and land the aircraft safely without
any damage. In this manner, the officer because of his ability to maintain his
composure in a grave emergency situation, courage, creative thinking and
professionalism has been able to successfully recover two aircraft at night in
limited visibility conditions without any damage and has set an excellent professional example for
other to emulate.
For his acts of
exemplary courage and professional handling of aircraft under difficult
circumstances Wing Commander Aditya Prakash Singh is recommended for the award
of Shaurya Chakra.
Wing Commander
Abhay Satish Parandekar Flying (Pilot)
was commissioned in the Helicopter Stream of the Indian Air Force on 17 June
1995. He is a Category ‘A’ Qualified Flying Instructor and a Helicopter Combat
Leader. He is presently posted as Commanding Officer of a Mi-17 V5 Helicopter Unit at Air Force Station Phalodi.
On 23 Jun 13,
he was informed about a group of foreign nationals stranded in the middle of
gushing Bhagirathi river near Harsil, which had already crossed the danger
mark. The river was swelling by the hour and delay could have cost precious
lives. On receipt of this information he took on the onerous job of rescuing
these people.
With utmost
precision and dexterity, he manoeuvred the helicopter so as to affect hover
with one wheel in light contact with the ground. All 17 foreign nationals and
three Indians stranded were rescued safely. Wg Cdr AS Parandekar displayed
exceptional courage in effecting a successful rescue despite extremely
challenging conditions. He continued the flood relief operations for next one
month during which he flew 255 sorties which
in effect saved 2344 lives and
led to the induction of 78.6 tonnes of relief load.
For his act of
exceptional courage, dedication to duty, unflinching determination beyond call
of duty and display of valour to save people and give them succor, Wing
Commander Abhay Satish Parandekar has been recommended for the award of Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry).
Wing Commander
Felix Patrick Pinto, SC Flying (Pilot) is on the posted strength of Mi-17
helicopter Unit and in command of the unit since 15 Apr 13.
On 18 Jun 13,
during Op Rahat he evacuated of 76 survivors and continued with the gallant act
thereafter and was instrumental in saving 892 survivors in the subsequent
His exceptional
professional acumen and meticulous planning led to valiant execution of
challenging missions for evacuating of pilgrims of Kedarnath. Regardless of
personal comfort and safety, he flew tirelessly throughout the Op Rahat in the
challenging environment under hostile weather conditions and landed at hazardous
sites. He also carried out drops of 24 tons of ration and medicines. To exploit
the limited window of weather and to increase the load carrying capability, he
modified his helicopter to carry out a free drop of wood for the mass cremation
at Kedarnath bowl. His gallant and selfless efforts during the initial phase of
Op-Rahat paved the way for launch of one of the greatest rescue operations by
helicopter in history.
For this
display of extraordinary leadership and exceptional courage under adverse
operational circumstances, Wing Commander Felix Patrick Pinto, SC is
recommended for the award of Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry).
Leader Vinay Bhal Accounts/ Garud is the Commanding Officer of an Indian Air
Force Garud Unit since 04 Jun 2012.
The IAF was called to
the aid of civil power to undertake rescue and evacuation operations during OP
RAHAT after a massive cloud burst resulted in extensive flooding accompanied by
landslides in the state of Uttarakhand. The
IAF Special Force Garuds, led by Sqn Ldr Vinay Bhal were inducted to undertake
search and rescue operation in the affected area.
On 25 Jun 13, the IAF
Special Forces Garuds were tasked to locate the crash site of a MI-17 V5
helicopter. Sqn Ldr Vinay Bhal on board
the search and rescue aircraft assisted in sighting the crash site in densely
forested hilly terrain. With no landing
ground, he led from the front and lowered himself close to the crash site using
a cable wire. The entire operation
lasted for three days and two nights during the course of which he operated in
inhospitable terrain, inclement weather and on top of a forested hill with at a
steep gradient. He led the team in an
exemplary manner and maintained the team’s morale and accomplished the
extremely demanding mission with peril to his life. He displayed astute professionalism,
dedication and bravery.
For his professional
competency, excellent leadership qualities, exceptional courage and selfless
devotion to duty, Squadron Leader Vinay Bhal is recommended for the award of
Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry).
Commander Nikhil Naidu Flying (Pilot) is on the posted strength of Chetak / ALH
helicopter unit since 30 Jan 12. He was
among the first few respondents to the rescue operations and was specially
chosen to undertaken the task due to his vast experience. He has air transported more than 5200 Kg of
relief material and saved 626 people in about 56 sorties flown by him during
‘Op Rahat’. He has played a pivotal
role on at least three different occasions wherein he undertook conspicuously
daring missions while ensuring the safety of his aircraft and his team.
On 20 Jun 13, Wg Cdr
Naidu winched down two civilian mountaineers on a small ledge surrounded by high
obstruction and high tension cable near ‘Jungle Chatti’. Subsequently, he also winched down another 10
ITBP personnel equipped with critical equipment required to prepare a makeshift
helipad. This courageous and skillful
operation paved the way for other helicopters to land at the ‘Jungle Chatti’
ledge and eventually resulted in evacuating more than 700 stranded
On 25 Jun 13, after
an IAF helicopter went missing during the operations, Wg Cdr Naidu volunteered for the search mission and managed to locate the crash
site. Mindful of the need to access the
crash site he winced down four Garud Commandos at almost 10,000 ft, under
extremely inclement weather, once again demonstrating conspicuous courage and
exceptional flying skill.
On 11 Jul 13, while
his helicopter was parked at night at an
ITBP helipad at Gaucher when an impending landslide alert was issued, he acted
swiftly and with amazing alacrity despite it being totally dark in the middle
of the night. His courageous actions in
the face of grave personal risks to his life resulted in saving a precious
national asset which would have perished, if left unattended. In all the above instance, the officer has
displayed distinct gallantry and professionalism of an exceptional order while
undertaking extremely critical missions in response to this grave national
For these acts of
conspicuous bravery, Wing Commander Nikhil Naidu is recommended for the award
of Shaurya Chakra.
Leader Vipin Takawale Flying (Pilot) is Chetak/Cheeta type instructor and is
posted in an operational helicopter unit since May 2012.
On 21 Jun 13, the
detachment was tasked to drop food packets in the Kedarnath valley. Sqn Ldr Takawale got airborne within minutes
of getting SOS call and commenced his food dropping mission. While dropping relief material, he heard a
distress call from a civil helicopter which had crashed and was on fire in the
treacherous terrain of Jungle Chatti.
Despite not being prepared for a casualty evacuation mission, the
officer on receiving a SOS call displayed good leadership qualities and took a
courageous decision to proceed to crash site.
Though this was his first sortie in the area, he was quick to correlate
the map and displayed exceptional navigations skills in locating the crash site
within 10 minutes of the crash. He
noticed that the crashed helicopter was at a site which posed many dangers like
dense HT and LT cables, electrical poles, narrow valley, thick vegetation and
absolutely no place to land. The
inhospitable terrain coupled with adverse wind conditions left him with no
margins for error. However, he remained undeterred and after a quick in-flight
briefing decided to winch up the casualty.
He did all this with extreme confidence and without compromising flight
safety. This mission definitely enhanced
IAF’s image as being ever ready to provide succour to the affected.
For his exceptional
courage, in the face of adverse conditions, and unparalleled dedication to
duty, Squadron Leader Vipin Vilas Takawale is recommended for Vayu Sena Medal
Leader Anupam Dey Flying (Pilot) is on the posted strength of a Chetak
Helicopter unit since 04 Jun 12 and has been performing the duties of a Fully
Operational Pilot.
On 26 Mar 13, he was
authorized to ferry a Chetak Helicopter Z-422 from Pune to Jamnagar. During hover for take off, at a height of
approximately 5-6 feet above ground level, due to failure of the rudder control
linkages, total directional control over the helicopter was lost. Due to the loss of directional control, the
aircraft started yawing viciously to the left with increasing amplitude and at
such a low altitude above ground level spun for four 360 degree rotations.
His prompt decision
making and correct analysis of the emergency coupled with ability to maintain
his composure in such an uncontrolled state of flight of the helicopter led to
the safe recovery of the helicopter, passengers and service equipment.
For this act of
exceptional courage and professional handling of aircraft under difficult
circumstances, Squadron Leader Anupam Dey is recommended for the award of Vayu
Sena Medal (Gallantry).
Commander Syed Muzaffer Yunus Flying (Pilot) is the Commanding Officer of a
Mi-17 V5 Helicopter Unit in northern
sector wef 11 Jun 12.
On 17 Jun 2013, the
unit was tasked for ‘Operation Rahat’ in Uttarakhand. He was the captain of first rescue mission by
a Mi-17 V5 helicopter to rescue distressed and injured pilgrims from an
unprepared and restricted landing site adjacent to Kedarnath temple at an
elevation of approximately 11200 feet.
He was quick enough to pick up the distressed pilgrims including 15 old
women and exhausted men, in shortest possible time, catering for inclement
weather. Throughout that day, he braved
and battled against the weather and executed daring landing at untried and
unprepared sites rescuing more than 100 persons.
On 21 Jun 2013, once
again, Wing Commander Yunus was part of the first Rescue mission at Badrinath,
where thousands of pilgrims were stranded, at an elevation of 10,300 feet. He displayed fearless determination and
evacuated more than 350 pilgrims in one single day to Joshimath involving
eighteen sorties. During these
operations, he flew a total of 96 sorties in 46:00 hours and rescued more than
One thousand stranded pilgrims.
This act of
exceptional courage and fearless determination, Wing Commander Syed Muzaffar
Yunus is recommended for the award of Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry).
Wing Commander Kondam
Munisubrayachetty Raghuraman Flying (Pilot) is on the posted strength of an ALH
Mk III Helicopter Unit and has been performing the duties of the Flight
Commander since 01 Aug 11.
On 17 Jun 13, the
unit was tasked to position three helicopters at Dehradun to undertake relief
operations towards ‘Op Rahat’. With a dedicated
aim in mind, he and his team flew vigorously in the flood hit areas, averaging
15 sorties per day and rescued 490 stranded pilgrims/locals in addition to
dropping over 50 tons of relief material in the Kedarnath Valley without an
accident / incident.
For his meticulous planning and
execution of rescue and relief operations and exceptional courage, Wing
Commander Kondam Munisubrayachetty Raghuraman is recommended for the award of
Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry).
Wing Commander
Ravi Chandrashekhar Pathak, VM Flying (Pilot) was commissioned in the Indian Air Force on 16
Dec 95 and is Commanding the Sarang
Display Team at Air Force Station Sulur. He is an Experimental Test Pilot and a
Qualified Flying Instructor. He has flown over 4100 hrs o 21 different types of
On 20 Jun 2013,
Wg Cdr RC Pathak was tasked to undertake Disaster Relief Operations (Op Rahat)
in Uttarakhand as the Detachment Commander at Gauchar. He carried out an aerial reconnaissance to assess the unique
requirements to undertake this complicated task and realized that there were
thousands of sick and injured people stranded in the valley and only quick air
evacuation could save their lives. Wg
Cdr RC Pathak flew 41 critical missions, including winching down of Garud
commandos at 9000 feet and evacuated 111 personnel.
Wg Cdr RC
Pathak had the challenging task of planning and executing Disaster Relief
Operations in the backdrop of a huge natural calamity, from a makeshift base at
a short notice with severe constrains in terms of fuel, administrative and
logistics support. Through sustained intense operations under his command, the
detachment airlifted 2700 personnel and inducted 20 tons of relief material. By
leading from the front, in the service of the nation, Wg Cdr RC Pathak has
displayed exceptional valor, professionalism and operational leadership.
For the act of
exceptional courage displayed in evacuating stranded personnel from Kedarnath
valley during ‘Op Rahat’, Wing Commander Ravi Chandrashekhar Pathak VM is
recommended for the award of Bar to Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry).
Group Captain
Mukesh Kumar Yadav Flying (Pilot) is the
First Commanding Officer of a newly inducted Mi-17 V5 helicopter unit since 23
Jan 2012 and has over 5300 hours of flying experience.
Gp Capt Yadav
was detailed as Detachment Commander at Dharasu during Op Rahat. On reaching
there, he immediately took stock of the situation and correctly ascertained
that the operations would be hampered due to shortage of fuel. Based on his
analysis, he along with his team worked relentlessly through the night on 21
Jun 2013 to prepare the unused Advanced Landing Ground to enable the C-130J to
On the night of
22 Jun 13, he was informed that there were approximately 3000 civilians at
Harsil, some of whom were critically injured and required immediate evacuation.
A total, 533 sorties were undertaken under his dynamic leadership, of which 97
sorties were piloted by him, evacuating 5488 people and airlifting 74000 Kgs of
relief material in just six days. Despite
physical hardships as a result of non-stop work round the clock for all
these days, he continued to inspire all with his extraordinary courage, spirit
of selfless sacrifice and exceptional flying skills.
For his
exceptional courage to fly the mission in extremely inclement weather
conditions and innovative technique adopted to reach inaccessible areas, Group
Captain Mukesh Kumar Yadav is recommended for the award of Vayu Sena Medal
Wing Commander
Vijay Yadav was commissioned on 05 Mar 94. He took over command of an Advanced
Light Helicopter Unit on 01 Aug 11.
At a time when
the unit was undergoing induction of ALH MK-III and with shortage of
experienced aircrew for the new aircraft, he led by example and was one of
the first to fly the new machine in the
treacherous operating conditions of
Operation Rahat. He flew extensively in the flood hit area in Kedarnath valley
and rescued numerous stranded pilgrims while operating from Gauchar, Gupkashi
and Joshimath helipads.
On 01 July
2013, he was tasked with the mission of evacuating causalities from the
Badrinath. He successfully negotiated the inclement weather and carried out
shuttles top rescue stranded and sick pilgrims. All of these missions were
carried out in marginal weather where
the aircraft was operating at the limits of its capabilities. With inclement
weather hampering operations also in Kedarnath valley for almost a week, he
displayed highest standards of courage, leadership and maturity and planned and
executed missions in the limited window of clear weather to drop relief
materials, Doctors and NDRF personnel.
As Detachment Commander at Gaucher, he exhibited exemplary
maturity and skills in ensuring mission accomplishment in the most professional
manner. Under his exemplary command and guidance, the unit flew more than 260
Hrs, 600 sorties, evacuated more than 1900 stranded pilgrims, tourists and
foreign national and dropped more than 60 tons of relief materials in the
inhospitable terrain of the flood affected areas of Uttarakhand.
For this act of
exceptional courage, Wing Commander Vijay Yadav is recommended for the award of
Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry).
Commander Vinod Negi Flying (Pilot) is on the posted strength of Sarang
Helicopter Display Team at Air Force Station Sulur with effect from 19 Jul 10
and performing the duty of Unit Flight Commander.
On 21 Jun 2013, Wg
Cdr Vinod Negi was tasked to evacuate stranded pilgrims from Kedarnath
valley. Having flown several rescue
missions over the previous day, he realized that thousands of people were
stranded at Jungle Chatti which is at an elevation of 7500 feet and their only
hope of survival was through air evacuation.
During entire Op Rahat, he displayed exceptional courage, flew 102
sorties, rescued 584 personnel and inducted eight tons of relief material.
He was a positive influence
on the unit personnel and guided relatively inexperienced crew in extracting
performance beyond expectations. Under his guidance, the unit flew a total of
177 sorties, evacuated 917 personnel and inducted twelve tons of load during
‘Op Rahat’. With his meticulous planning
and leadership, Wg Cdr Vinod Negi ensured time critical mission accomplishment
against all odds and proved to be a role model for both his peers and junior to
For his act of
exceptional courage in evacuating stranded personnel from Jungle Chatti during
‘Op Rahat’, Wing Commander Vinod Negi is recommended for the award of Vayu Sena
Medal (Gallantry).
Wing Commander Sachin Gupta Flying
(Pilot) is on the posted strength of an Advanced Light Helicopter Unit since 28
Jan 13.
On 18 Jun
13, at 0530h, he was tasked to proceed to Phata helipad in Kedarnath valley for
evacuation of stranded pilgrims, Assessing the weather, he took off immediately
and reached Phata. Without switching
off, he picked up relief packets and got airborne for Kedarnath valley. Spotting a clear path near Rambada, with
just enough space for rotor clearance and with only adequate space for one skid
on ground, he boldly carried out a low hover to pick up old and injured
pilgrims. He ensured a quick turnaround
and carried out continuous shuttles to rescue 45 civilians and drop 900 Kgs of
ration on the first day.
he rescued pilgrims in treacherous areas like Gaurikund, Kedarnath and Garud
Chatti. Considering the hostile nature
of the operating area, and difficulty of carrying out winch operations at the
elevation of 2.9 Km, even a small error could have had disastrous consequences. During Op Rahat, he flew 200 sorties / 70 hrs
and rescued 237 casualties. All of these
missions required exceptional courage and professionalism for safe execution.
For his exceptional courage, focused and dedicated
service, Wing Commander Sachin Gupta is recommended for the award of Vayu Sena
Medical (Gallantry).
On Republic Day - 2014, eight Army personnels were conferred with
Chakra series gallantry awards. One personnel was awarded the Kirti
Chakra, while seven others were conferred with Shaurya Chakras for
displaying conspicuous gallantry in operations.
Kirti Chakra
Nb Sub Bhupal Singh Chhantel Magar, 5/5 Gorkha Rifles.
Shaurya Chakra
Lieutenant Colonel Bikramjit Singh (Posthumous), 16th
Major Mandeep Singh Ghumman, 1 Assam Rifles.
Major Gaurav Thakur, 24 Rashtriya Rifles (BIHAR).
Captain Sandeep Bhartiya, 17 JAT.
Captain Mahabir Singh, 9 PARA (SF).
Sepoy Lallawmzuala, 18 Rashtriya Rifles (RAJPUTANA RIFLES).
Sepoy Ran Bahadur Gurung (Posthumous) , 5/5 Gorkha Rifles.
Nb Sub Bhupal Singh Chhantel Magar, Kirti Chakra
Nb Sub Bhupal Singh Chhantel Magar of 5/5 Gorkha Rifles has been
awarded “Kirti Chakra” for displaying exceptional bravery, raw courage
and junior leadership beyond the call of duty, in successful counter
infiltration operations along the Line of Control in J&K. Nb Sub Bhupal
Singh Chhantel Magar is a resident of Rupendehi District of Nepal.
On 31 August 2013, while guarding a crucial gap along the Line of
Control in Kupwara District, Nb Sub Bhupal Singh Chhantel Magar spotted
movement of six heavily armed terrorists. Displaying remarkable presence
of mind, he immediately side-stepped his position in rugged and boulders
ridden terrain and closed in towards the terrorists, despite being under fire.
The gallant soldier displaying nerves of steel, fired a long burst, killing one
terrorist. Displaying raw courage, he pursued the second terrorist and
injured him. While the injured terrorist was hiding behind a boulder, the
Junior Commissioned Officer, unmindful of his personal safety, charged
towards the terrorist and killed him.
Lieutenant Colonel Bikramjit Singh, Shaurya Chakra (Posthumous)
Lieutenant Colonel Bikramjit Singh of 16th
been awarded “Shaurya Chakra” (Posthumous) for his speedy, tactically
sound actions, courageous and bold leadership in the face of mortal
danger and for acting swiftly without waiting for a weapon or protective
gear, acting well beyond the call of duty, in the highest traditions of the
Indian Army in Counter Terrorist Operations in Samba (J&K). Lieutenant
Colonel Bikramjit Singh is a resident of Chandigarh, Punjab.
On 26 Sep 2013 at approximately 07:15 AM, Lieutenant Colonel
Bikram Jit Singh on hearing the sound of automatic weapons near the
Officers’ Mess Complex, rushed to the site. He spotted a terrorist hiding in
a Nala, bringing down fire and attempting to break out towards the adjacent
family accommodation. Despite presence of armed terrorists, the officer
moved from one position to another, shouting instructions and directing
action against the terrorist. His prompt and fearless actions dislodged the
terrorist from an effective firing position, forcing the terrorist to seek cover
in a room, leading to his eventual elimination. While undertaking these
actions the officer was unmindful of his personal safety and the fact that he
was unarmed. The officer suffered fatal gunshot injuries during the period.
By his actions, the officer prevented the breakout of the terrorists towards
the Officers’ Married Accommodation Complex and provided time for the
Unit Quick Reaction Team to move into a tight cordon. His actions
prevented loss of further lives, especially those of unarmed women and
Major Mandeep Singh Ghumman, Shaurya Chakra
Major Mandeep Singh Ghumman of 1 Assam Rifles has been
awarded “Shaurya Chakra” for act of extraordinary bravery, conspicuous
courage and selfless devotion to duty of an exceptionally high order in anti
terrorist operations in the North East. Major Mandeep Singh Ghumman is a
resident of Pathankot, Punjab.
On 08 May 2013, based on specific intelligence, the officer led a
small team to a village located on top of a hill. On reaching the suspected
location, the column came under heavy fire from inside a house. The
officer did not retaliate immediately to avoid civilian casualty. One terrorist
who jumped out of the window firing indiscriminately was chased and
eliminated from close range by the officer with disregard to personal safety.
Another terrorist firing from the neighbouring house had pinned down the
officer’s party. Sensing danger to own troops, the officer, making use of the
undulating ground, rushed to the site. In a brazen act of valour, the officer
charged at the second terrorist and eliminated him.
Major Gaurav Thakur, Shaurya Chakra
Major Gaurav Thakur of 24 Rashtriya Rifles (BIHAR) has been
awarded “Shaurya Chakra” for displaying indomitable courage, tactical
acumen, exemplary leadership and selfless devotion to duty. He was
instrumental in generating actionable intelligence, innovative siting of
ambush and tactical deployment of various parties, which ultimately led to
elimination of five hardcore terrorists. Major Gaurav Thakur is a resident of
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
On 30 August 2013, sensing suspicious movement near the bridge,
as assault team commander, he challenged the terrorists who opened
indiscriminate fire and lobbed grenades onto the ambush party and tried to
escape. The officer, displaying raw courage, grit and extraordinary field
craft, chased the fleeing terrorists in order to maintain contact. He came
under heavy volume of fire from one terrorist and chased him to a distance
of 50 meters in open terrain. In an act of conspicuous bravery, against
fearful odds unmindful of his own safety, he closed in and lobbed a
grenade from a very close range killing the terrorist instantly.
Captain Sandeep Bhartiya, Shaurya Chakra
Captain Sandeep Bhartiya of 17 JAT has been awarded “Shaurya
Chakra” for displaying exemplary bravery, courage and leadership in the
face of the enemy, showing utter disregard to personal safety in anti
terrorist operations on the Line of Control (LoC) in J&K. Captain Sandeep
Bhartiya is a resident of Munger, Bihar.
On 31 May 2013, Captain Sandeep observed movement of three to
four terrorists in a dense area. He immediately took a party of four other
ranks and occupied a suitable ambush point. At approximately 11:45 PM,
as the terrorists drew closer to the fence, Captain Sandeep opened fire.
The terrorists retaliated with heavy volume of fire and taking cover of the
thickly wooded area, tried to extricate themselves. Throughout the night,
Captain Sandeep ensured that the terrorists were fixed, by fire, at the same
spot. Close to first light, the terrorist group made another attempt to
escape, by firing heavily. The officer, instead of taking cover, changed
position to fire at one militant and killed him. The operation continued till
the next day and a total of three militants were killed.
Captain Mahabir Singh, Shaurya Chakra
Captain Mahabir Singh of 9 PARA (Special Forces) has been
awarded “Shaurya Chakra” for displaying exemplary leadership, raw
courage and conspicuous gallantry in face of grave personal danger and
personally eliminating one hard core terrorist in anti terrorist operations in
Samba (J&K). Captain Mahabir Singh is a resident of Gurdaspur, Punjab.
On 26 September 2013, Captain Mahabir was tasked to clear
terrorists from unit lines during a Fidayeen attack. As the troops
commenced clearing operations, they came under heavy small-arms and
grenade fire from an adjacent building. Sensing grave threat to the entire
operation and proximity of family quarters in close vicinity, Captain
Mahabir, unmindful of his personal safety, charged into the building to
engage the terrorists. Displaying sheer courage and exemplary field-craft,
he manoeuvered to engage the terrorists at extreme close quarters. He
moved from room to room, closing down their escape routes and shot dead
one terrorist at point-blank range, thereby completely disorganising their
will to resist. This singular action by the officer ensured safety of the entire
team, prevented further collateral damage and minimised casualties during
the entire operation.
Sepoy Lallawmzuala, Shaurya Chakra
Sepoy Lallawmzuala of 18 Rashtriya Rifles (RAJPUTANA RIFLES)
has been awarded “Shaurya Chakra” for his conspicuous act of bravery
beyond the call of duty in anti terrorist operations in J&K. Sepoy
Lallawmzuala is a resident of Mamit, Mizoram.
On 23 July 2013, Sepoy Lallawmzuala was part of the inner cordon
deployed at night during search operation based on intelligence about
presence of a terrorist in a house. On commencement of search at
approximately 6:30 AM, Sepoy Lallawmzuala was amongst the first to
enter the house. His deliberate and methodical search revealed the
presence of an armed terrorist in a well concealed hideout behind planks
and loose earth in the house. Upon being discovered the terrorist opened
indiscriminate fire, however, the soldier’s alacrity and outstanding use of
field craft enabled him to manoeuvre to an advantageous position within
three metres of the terrorist. His courage under fire, calm collected actions
and outstanding fire control led to elimination of a top commander of Jaish-
e-Mohammad. His actions ensured that the balance of the search party
received critical warning at the opportune time, resulting in effective
covering fire and no casualty to own troops.
Sepoy Ran Bahadur Gurung, Shaurya Chakra (Posthumous)
Sepoy Ran Bahadur Gurung of 5/5 Gorkha Rifles has been awarded
“Shaurya Chakra” (Posthumous) for displaying exceptional resilience,
commitment and epic bravery during counter infiltration operations along
the Line of Control in J&K. Sepoy Ran Bahadur Gurung is a resident of
Kaski District of Nepal.
On 31 Jul 2013, the individual was part of the surveillance
detachment deployed in boulders and steep cliffs. Despite being in
virtually cramped position for four days during inclement weather, the brave
soldier maintained sharp vigilance. On 03 August 2013 at approximately
5:30 AM, he sensed some movement in the fog and alerted his party.
Suddenly, the terrorist opened indiscriminate fire and lobbed two grenades
towards the neighbouring team. Sensing threat to his colleagues Sepoy
Ran Bahadur Gurung fired at the terrorist and crawled closer towards him.
This action diverted the terrorist’s attention who charged towards Sepoy
Ran Bahadur Gurung and lobbed another grenade. Displaying steely
nerves, Sepoy Ran Bahadur Gurung kept engaging the terrorist, giving
crucial time for neighbouring team to readjust. However, another burst by
the terrorist caused a fatal injury to the gallant soldier, who sacrificed his
life in the defence of the Nation.